nsfw:racy: Possible ocr: Fublic Danaln nodulc Hovicus with Andy Baxler. Upun Firsl Juuuiny Unis, Lhuughl 'Uh duur IL kicks uit with snrtnl nok rlanting hit (1lke Enlgnn used m thnt snne: thnt yul lu nunber UIR d cuuple uf yeer nyu). Juuked al the SUINY lonpth, .50 bipoks, and pot rcady for. TC cdon. suddenlyl 30 sccands in- Druns, suntlar nri snxaphnnet Arnihyn monkr. The naxnplinnr takes Lhe luud in Unis LUnIL und wery :II JumL il ix luu. The churus ix cxtroncly patchy, It's Just shanc about thc druns though. thcy saund little NTT snnelinu. Trferts Rei in hurionr.r, alide effest in rll wilr th: yux Thix is yuud dun' ...